Sunday, August 16, 2009

VersusB Merger

Well Bavarois has a new situation. A lot has happened in the last 36 hrs for the alliance. Classic or Versus as they are now known are very actively seeking to merge with us. What has happened is that Pyre was attacked at 3:00 am Saturday morning and lost one of his cities. No biggy as it was a capture from own3rz and could easily be replaced with a level 10. Late Saturday we were again attacked by indobud on Hardangar. I was ready to reinforce along with several others if need be but, it did not look like capture was his goal. I negotiated with him last night and it is fairly evident that versusC and VersusB hold very different friendly/hostile statuses. With that knowledge, it is also evident that VersusC would continue their attacks on our members. While VersusB did not openly attack us it was through Starlite that Indobud gained the position in Bavaria. Rather than watch our less active members pay the price for the reluctance of some to join, the council voted unanimously to accept the merger terms. This will keep the more casual members of Bavarois safe from all branches of Versus and allow the more active members an opportunity to fight more openly. So far Lord Pyre as already joined, Kirk Helfen, Justshawnf, and warhawk have all committed to going. I won't speak for any others at this time out of respect for their game decisions, but some have also expressed interest. If anyone decides they do want to be active and would like to join Versus, please mail one of us and we will arrange for player transfers. There is no time limit to merge with Versus and since Pyre has already joined there shouldn't be a rush. I would urge members who wish to merge to leave excess resources with other members of Bavarois before departing, to help encourage growth.

Once a merge procedure is in place I will group mail everyone and and then post directions. Hopefully we can work something out to start sending players over today, Sunday the 16th. Please note this is not the end of Bavarois and it is important that some people remain to grow the alliance. We may need a home to come back to some day. . .

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bavarois Situation

Yesterday Bavarois experienced a major event. Lord Pyre and starz nearly took a classic base of a vice host and at the same time Kirk Helfen launched an attack on a vice host of ClassicB. If you need more information on the battles check the alliance war reports (lots of dead archers, heh). During the battles we were contacted by classic and through a long series of discussions held by Pyre several things resulted. One is that hostilities between Bavarois and classic are finished, for now. Two Classic and all Classic branches have listed us as friendly and we have reciprocated. Three Classic has offered some of our members membership in ClassicB (classic Bavaria). The last part of the deal was I believe greatly unexpected, but does present Bavarois with an opportunity. Currently the offer is for 1VH, 3 Presbyter, and 5 officer positions, as well as 50 slots or so for general membership. There is no easy way to communicate the offer effectively to all members of the alliance and have them vote in under 500 characters. It is also difficult to discuss unless everyone is on alliance chat at the same time. We do have a history with Classic for some of our newer members. One of the very first major conflicts in Evony server 9 involved Classic and Dominion. We in our infant state and trying to extend an olive branch of peace to one of the alliances chose to side with Classic and declared hostile towards Dominion. There may be more to it, as some of the hosts have relationships with people outside the alliance, but as a group we decided to back Classic. Well Classic and Dominion resolved their differences and came up with the idea of S9S, which I’m sure some of you are aware of. So Dominion felt it necessary to just attack us because we had them as hostile, instead of trying to be diplomatic with us as well. Thanks to the diplomatic prowess of some in the alliance, we averted a full on conflict with Dominion, but no thanks to Storma or Classic, who did not help with Dominion. So now the dilemma is do we 1) join classic (certain members would go, some would stay) and Bavarios becomes a feeder alliance to ClassicB, 2) Join Classic’s cause but keep Bavarios intact, 3) Join FF, the anit-S9S block, 4) Do Nothing. I fear option 4 would result in many of the mid-level members being under constant attack from various forces, as well as upper level members. I think some members could do fine defending themselves, but it would take some fun out of the game. So the real choice are 1), 2) or 3) unless someone has some other input. Please mail Kirk Helfen, Lord Pyre, justshawnf, Aberdeen or Cheesecake in game for other suggestions. We need to decide by Wednesday so time is critical. Classic is determined to move in Bavaria so keep that in mind, also they are friendly with most of the alliances we are currently friendly with Justice, Own3rz, 410. The one alliance they are not friendly with is Ironfist, who we have no current status with.

Monday, October 13, 2008


You have found the secret blog of K. Helfen.